Railway wheel coating line
Since 2016, Interpipe has been producing railway wheels and wheelsets for high-speed trains with higher added value. This type of product is in demand in the transportation infrastructure of European and American countries, which was the reason for the company to make large investments in launching several new production sites, including the creation of sites that ensure the application of operational and anticorrosion coatings on the manufactured railway wheels.
Automated storage systems
Automated storage systems for metal roll is an up-to-date solution for keeping of a wide range of metal roll products, their control and identification.
Reasons why robotization of industrial enterprises is being held back
There is a persistent stereotype in the post-Soviet machine-building industry that industrial robots are expensive equipment that requires highly professional personnel and that it is rational to use them in mass or high-volume production. This myth is based on some factors listed below.
Pipe finishing line for Interpipe
The research and production firm TECHVAGONMASH has designed and manufactured equipment for a pipe finishing line. The customer for the equipment is the Ukrainian industrial company Interpipe, which has already started the pilot operation of the new line at the Interpipe Niko Tube plant in Nikopol (Dnipropetrovsk region).